Jane Wilson - Private Speech Therapist
Nottinghamshire based, National reach
Jane Wilson, Specialist Speech & Language Therapist
MMed, BMed, PGCert
Speech & Language Therapy
Because every child deserves a voice
I have been lucky to work with some brilliant children’s therapy teams during my time with the NHS. I have a huge amount of experience and expertise that I am ready to share with you all!
I have worked in mainstream schools, early years settings, community clinics and specialist clinics. I have delivered training to parents, teachers, teaching assistants, childminders and other early years practitioners.
I have been the lead for several Speech & Language therapy teams and strive to provide the best care that I can in line with current best practice guidelines. I have sat with the governing bodies of schools and local authorities and advised regarding pathways and provision.
I am committed to make a difference and reaching as many children, families and practitioners as I can to ensure that our children have the very best start in life!
I am a specialist Speech & Language Therapist registered with the Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists (RCSLT), The Association of Speech and Language Therapists in Independent Practice (ASLTIP) and governed by the Health & Care Professionals Council (HCPC).
If you need help with anything Speech and Language related please get in touch! Pop me an email jane@littleorchardchildren.co.uk or click the button below.
I’d love to hear from you!