Speech and Language Support Early Years — Little Orchard Children, Speech & Language Therapy

Speech & Language Support for Early Years Settings & Professionals


Hi, I’m Jane a Specialist Speech & Language Therapist & Consultant. I share my skills, knowledge and expertise with Early Years Professionals to support them with all things Speech & Language!

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I’m so happy to have discovered Little Orchard Children. Jane has been providing invaluable advice for speech and language activities which are easy to incorporate in to any nursery setting.
— Caroline - Early Years Professional


How can I support you?

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I want to learn.

Learn more than just the basics! I can support you so that you feel confident supporting children in the Early Years with their Speech & Language development.

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I need resources!

Get started supporting children in the Early Years with their Speech & Language development using evidence based, eco-friendly, plastic free resources.

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I need support!

Learn more about the support that I can offer to you as an Early Years Professional and your Early Years setting; from bespoke training to consultations and our free Facebook community!

The past two weeks training have been the best I’ve attended. The tools and support you are given are amazing! Nothing is too much trouble and you can ask as many questions as you need.
Thank you for the support, advice and guidance, I’ve learnt so much.
— Sian - Early Years Professional
speech and language workshops for early years professionals | jane wilson speech and language therapist lincolnshire | online workshops for early years settings

 Speech & Language Workshops for Early Years Professionals

I know as an Early Years Professional you have a hunger for knowledge! I also know exactly how busy you are and how hard you work! That’s why I have created bespoke online workshops and Team LOCSALT Membership with your continuing professional development (CPD) and busy schedule in mind!

Work at your own pace, in your own time, supported every step of the way by a specialist!

£120 / learner

Whole setting discount available

You will learn a systematic way to screen, monitor and support children with unclear speech.

£90 / learner

Whole setting discount available

You will learn how to screen and support children working towards single words and two words together.

Speech and Language Membership for the Early Years!

Every Early Years Practitioner should have this workshop training. It’s a must! I feel like it needs to be referred to as a Bible. The Early Years Bible for Speech & Language.
It should be a go to guide for all practitioners.
— Carly - Early Years Professional
speech and language resources for early years settings | plastic free speech and language resources | little orchard children speech and language therapy

 Speech & Language Resources for Early Years Professionals

I know how frustrating it can be to spend time looking for Speech & Language resources to support children in your Early Years setting with their Speech & Language development. You need resources that are evidence based and created by a Speech & Language Therapist so that you know that your time and your money is well spent. You also need resources that will show you how to easily weave Speech & Language support into everyday routines and play in your Early Years setting.

I’ve created Speech & Language Therapy resources with you in mind. They are full of easy to follow activities that you can weave into your everyday.

What’s more - they are the UK’s first eco-conscious range of Speech & Language Therapy resources.

Speech Sound Support Pack

10 cards full of ideas to support children in the Early Years with their early speech sounds and phonics skills.

Including; easy to follow activities, songs, stories & rhymes.

Attention & Listening Pack

10 activities to support attention & listening skills of children in the Early Years.

Including; an explanation of how to play, a list of resources and how to step it up.

First 100 Words Pack

10 cards full of ideas to support children in the Early Years with their first 100 words.

Including; a first words list, activity ideas, resources you need and how to create reasons to communicate.

If you would like to know more about the sustainable choices we make to ensure our resources are environmentally conscious click here.

Discounts available for bulk orders.

Why not consider becoming a stockist so you can support your families with evidence based Speech & Language resources.

speech and language support for early years practitioners | free speech and language support | jane wilson little orchard children|

Speech & Language Support for Early Years Professionals

Let me support YOU to help children in your Early Years setting to reach their Speech, Language and Communication potential.

Community / Consultation / Continuing Professional Development

A FREE Facebook community supporting you with all things Speech & Language. From strategies, theory, top tips, guest expert lives and free challenges.

What’s not to love?

Would you like an experts undivided attention?

I can support you and your setting with all things Speech & Language.

Early Years Speech & Language Workshops

Bespoke Early Years Speech & Language training with your Continuing Professional Development and busy schedule in mind.

Speech & Language Master Classes


wicker basket full apples


Jane really is amazing. Her support is endless. The advice and help she gives is just priceless. We have been given so many tips from Jane that we are implementing and seeing results. So professional, reassuring and very caring.
— Judy - Early Years Professional