Speech Sounds - help at home

Working on Speech

Sounds at home

Imagine this…

You’ve taken the first step to getting your little one some help with their speech sounds

You’ve made that referral to your local Speech & Language Therapy department…

Now what?

You have to wait!

The Speech and Language waiting list is long and you’re not sure how long you have to wait.

The frustrating thing is you really want to get started with Speech Therapy at home, but you don’t know where to start.

You’ve searched online, been totally overwhelmed but come up with a few ideas. But again you’re not exactly sure where to start and you have a 101 other things to do!

Where do you start?

What if I could show you where to start with speech sounds at home?

What if I told you that you don’t need to buy any fancy resources…..

No Speech and Language flashcards.

No plastic.

No downloads or printing necessary.

No Speech and Language worksheets.

Sounds good right?!


I’m Jane Wilson, Mummy to three little girls and a Specialist Speech and Language Therapist.

I’m also founder of Little Orchard Children and I’m on a mission to empower others with the support and resources they need to help children with their communication.

I’ve been on a long waiting list for services and I know how it feels.

I have also been a Speech and Language Therapist for more than a decade and have so may ideas to share with you!


I’ve created Speech and Language resources to empower you to get started with supporting children’s speech sound development at home straight away. 

These resources are not just another set of flash cards, not just another worksheet, what’s more, there is no plastic in sight.

All our resources are beautifully created on sustainable, thick recycled Kraft card and come complete with a cotton draw string bag.

The UK’s first environmentally conscious

Speech & Language Resource!

Speech Sound Support Packs.


Our first pack ‘Speech Sound Support’ is designed to support you to support speech sound development in young children.

This set focuses on ten of the earliest developing English consonant sounds. It is aimed at children between one and five years but can be adapted to be used with older children that continue to have speech sound difficulties.

Each card focuses on one speech sound and provides suggested activities that all include the target sound. Each card also provides an example word list, suggested book, song and nursery rhyme.

This is just one approach of many to support speech sound development.

It is based on the idea that overexposure to sounds helps to build a solid listening foundation which will support speech sound development.

The focus is on teaching the sound through listening; highlighting sounds and weaving exposure into everyday routines, books, activities, games and toys. 

Drawing attention to the target sounds by making them slightly louder and longer is often one of the first steps in Speech Sound Therapy so….

be one step ahead of the game while you are waiting to be seen!


There is no specific order that you should follow with the cards.

However, I suggest starting with sounds that your child is already using. T

hen focus on some of the earlier sounds p b m n t d.

Followed by k g and then f and s which are later sounds to develop.

Stick with one sound for 1 or 2 weeks then move on to another. You can continue to cycle the cards as you choose….

  • Working with these cards should not feel like a ‘test’, it should be fun.

  • If it doesn’t feel like fun then I suggest you stop and reassess.

  • Think about how you can adapt things to make activities more engaging for your child.

    • Do you need to take things outside,

    • Incorporate more messy play,

    • More movement

    • A favourite toy?

Want to know more?

For more top tips and easy to follow activities that you can start straight away at home, pop over to our Facebook page or Instagram account.

Visit our website to find out more about the services we offer and to book your first free service introduction.

All of our services are available online so that you can access Speech and Language Therapy at a time that suits you from the comfort of your own home.

Get in touch today to find out about our summer holiday special offer and discover how we can help you and your family!


